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Reason for choosing Snowball Throwing to Teach Descriptive Text in Reading Comprehesion

Kang Ogud - kang ogud lovers in this day we will review about Reason for choosing Snowball Throwing to Teach Descriptive Text in Reading Comprehesion

As a professional educator, teacher should be able to select an appropriate teaching method that can motivate students to learn. One of the greatest enemies of successful teaching is student bored. So, the process of learning should bring the students to achieve a lot of skills that enable them to actualize themselves. In addition, knowing about methods and technique of teaching theoretically and practically is really important for teacher in order to create a positive milieu in learning process.

Teaching reading by using Snowball Throwing is very interesting activity to use almost any classroom situation. As a technique of cooperative learning, ST is advantageous strategy that could be used as an active and interactive process in teaching reading comprehension.

b. The procedures of Snowball Throwing to teach descriptive text in reading comprehension

1) Preparing
Before teaching, teachers must make syllabi, learning design, and prepare the task for students. Then teacher make some group and in group consist four students. In each group must heterogeneous based on the grade academic.

2) Teacher‟s Presentation
Teacher will tell indicators of learning, introducing, and explaining materials based on the lesson plans that have been made.

3) The Groups‟ Activity28
Teachers convey the material to be presented. Teacher divided some groups and calling each group leader to give an explanation of material.And then, each group leader came back to the group it, then leaders explains material presented by the teacher to his friends.Then each student is given a worksheet to write down any questions regarding the material which has been described by the group's leaders.Then the paper is made into a ball and thrown from one student to another student for approximately 5 minutes.After the student gets one ball / one question given the opportunity for students to answer questions written in ball-shaped paper interchangeably.

c. Benefits of Snowball Throwing to teach descriptive text in reading comprehension
Benefits of this method to the students gives an opportunity students to discuss the results of information in the groups. Snowball Throwing can increase the activity of student learning in reading of descriptive text.

Benefits to the teacher is make teacher to continue and maximize the teaching in the classroom by way of preparing the material with mature, manage time well and to explain the subject matter to students with a coherent and clear so that students do not get bored with the submitted materials teachers.

27 Jumanta Hamdayama, Model dan Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Berkarakter, (Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia, 2014), p. 161-162.
28 Jumantan Hamdayama, Model dan Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Berkarakter ... p.158


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