Those concepts are acceptable with the nationalism of Indonesia because the purpose of english teaching learning is enable learners to communicate their ideas in international field. Learning about English is not obliged to adopt the culture of target language, the learners only learn about the language.
The monitoring and evaluation of language proficiency within the classroom must be carefully aligned with the goals of the original ELT program. Policymakers and practitioners must also be aware of the power of testing and understand the ethical issues involved.31 One of ELT program also occur in Kampung English Pare Kediri, eventhough it is informal education or course. According to Jonathan Newton, there are five principles for teaching EFL class which support code switching occur in the class:32
Meaning Focus on meaningful and relevant language Interest Maintain interest through a variety of activities New language Avoid overloading learners with too much new language
Understanding Provide plenty of comprehensible input Stress-free Create a friendly, safe, cooperative classroom environment.
Based on those principles, it possible that code switching occurs in every meetings of English teaching learning process. The same reasons, code switching also happens in speaking class of MOB English course Pare Kediri.
Previous Research
Azkiya student ipmafa, entitle Code Switching and Code Mixing Used By Teachers In MTs Matholi'ul Huda Pucakwangi. This research tells about phenomenon of code switching and code mixing which are used by teachers to their student in class activities. There are several reasons why researcher chooses English teacher as the subject of the study. First is English teacher are those who are expert conversation especially in class activities. Second, the phenomenon of code switching and code mixing that happens in MTs Matholi'ul Huda Pucakwangi. The result of the research shows that there were some types of code switching and code mixing which were used by teacher in a class. They were code switching in the form of sentence, clause, and tag. On the code mixing, the researcher found in the form of word and phrase. The last one question of the study is the context of code switching and code mixing. It has four features that trigger the occurrence of code switching and code mixing. They are: topic, setting, key, and purpose. The three features of context determine the language choice in the class activity.
The similarity between Alfiyah’s study and the writer study are both of researcher used the same method. There are also the differences between Alfiyah’s topic and the writer’s. Alfiyah focuses on code switching and code mixing, but the writer only focuses on code switching. The Alfiyah’s focus on teacher code switching and code mixing in the school, but the writer focuses on the tutor and learners code switching in informal education.
Naila Falahiya with her research 34, “She concluded there are four forms of code-switching. They are code-switching in the form of clause, sentence, tag and exclamation. There are also two forms of code-mixing that are code-mixing of word and phrase. There are also two forms of code-mixing, they are code-mixing of word and phrase. Besides that, she found that the using of code-switching and code-mixing in the students’ speaking got a good response from the students. They still need to use some code-switching and code-mixing as equivalence, as floor holding, as reiteration, and as conflict control. Falahiya concludes that code-switching and code- mixing are useful for students, especially for the first year students as beginner in the language learner. They have to convey their scariness to convey their opinion. ”
The similarity between Falahiya’s study and the writer study are both of researcher used the same topic and method. There are also the differences between Falahiya’s topic and the writer’s, those are the focuse topic of the writer is only code switching and Falahiya’s topic is both code switching and code mixing. The writer also focuses in the informal education.
Kamisah Ariffin and Misyana Susanti Husin35, in their journal entitled “Code-switching and Code-mixing of English and Bahasa Malaysia in Content-Based Classrooms: Frequency and Attitudes” they conclude that that instructors frequently code-switched and code-mixed between the twolanguages in the classroom. The analysis shows that the occurrence of these phenomena was related to the instructors’, as well as the students’ own linguistic competence, and the purpose of facilitating effective teaching and learning. There is, however, mixed attitudes towards CS/CM. While both instructors and students agreed that CS/CM can promote better understanding, the latter, however, students with better English proficiency felt that such communicative behaviour can be off-putting as it does not help in improving their linguistic competence in English. The paper, thus, raises some legitimate concerns of the conflict between the policy and its actual implementation, which certainly has some implications on language development, teacher education and policy assessment.
The similarity between their study and the writer study are both of researcher used the same topic and method. There are also the differences between Ariffin and Husin’s topic and the writer’s, those are the focuse topic of the writer is only code switching used by tutor and learners and their topic is both code switching and code mixing in the teacher and students’ attitude. The writer also focuses in the informal education.
Engku Haliza Engku Ibrahim, dkk.36, in their journal entitled Code-Switching in English as a Foreign Language Classroom: Teachers’ Attitudes This study looks at the teachers’ attitudes towards code-switching in teaching English as a foreign language to Malay students at one of the local universities in Malaysia. Data was collected through observations, questionnaires and interviews. Each teacher was observed, their language use were recorded, transcribed and then analyzed using the functions proposed by Gumperz. The results of the study showed that teachers do code-switch in the language classroom, despite their claim that they do not. Analysis of the data showed that, in most cases, code switching by teachers was done to serve pedagogical purposes.
The similarity between their study and the writer study are both of researcher focuses the same sociolinguistic study. There are also the differences between their topic and the writer’s. They focuses only on code switching by teacher, but the writer focuses on code switching used by tutor and learners in informal education.
Framework of Thought
In the social interaction, everyone communicates each other by using language. In the bilingualism or multilingualism society, there are some language variations in their communication. The code switching is one of those language variations. Someone who masters more than one language uses the languages randomly in their communication for some purpose. Then he makes a code switching in his communication. Code switching is a variant of language which is used by language society depends on background of participants and also depends on the situation and condition written or spoken. This research concerned on speaking code switching.
In speaking class of MOB English Course Pare Kediri, between tutor and learners used code-switching in English teaching learning process. It is because tutor and learners are bilingual even multilingual society. They do not only use English in teaching learning process but also use Indonesian as their mother language to get the aim of English learning easily. This research is purposed to describe the types of code-switching and the functions of code switching in speaking class of MOB English Course Pati Jawa Tengah.
This research uses descriptive analysis. It will be done by three steps. Firstly is collecting data. The researcher will record the communication of tutor and learners in English teaching learning process. Secondly, makes a notice in notice book. The last step is analyzing the data according to the types and the functions of code-switching. Besides that, the researcher also will interview to strengthen the observation and documentation result. It refers to thiangulation concept.
The explanation above shows how need to understand about code switching in English teaching learning process in speaking class of MOB English Course Pare Kediri is. This is very important for tutor and learners to bridge the gap between the desire to master the target language with practice it and the desire to understand or reach their interaction.
30 McKay, EIL curriculum development, ( RELC Journa: 2003), p. 34.
31 TESOL White Papers , A Principles-Based Approach for English Language Teaching Policies and Practices, (Alexandria:TESOL International Association, 2012), p. 10.
32 Jonathan Newton, Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking,
(Newyork: Routledge, 2009 ), p. 19.
33 Alfiyah Nur Fariekhah (KT2011011), Code Switching and Code Mixing Used By Teachers In SMPN 40 Surabaya, (Surabaya: IAIN Sunan Ampel, 2011
34 Naila Falahiya (D05208110), Code-Switching and Code-Mixing as a Bridge in Speaking among first Year Students at MTs Al-Amin Mojokerto. (Surabaya: UIN Sunan Ampel, 2014 )
35 Kamisah Ariffin and Misyana Susanti Husin, “Code-switching and Code-mixing of English and Bahasa Malaysia in Content-Based Classrooms: Frequency and Attitudes”, The Linguistics Journal, (Vol. V, No.1, June 2011)
36 Engku Haliza Engku Ibrahim, dkk., “Code-Switching in English as a Foreign Language Classroom: Teachers’ Attitudes”, English Language Teaching, (Vol. 6, No. 7; 2013)
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